tf2 soldier

hello, netizen!

welcome to p4nzer's website. i'm going to use this place to catalog my VULTURPOLITIK ocs, artwork, and archive other interesting things. =)


[24-01-2025]: Happy New Year! We've done some light polish-work at the site. Some minor projects and stories are in the works - in the meantime, I've done a bit of spring cleaning around.

[8-08-2024]: meeeowww! small tweaks and big tweaks. NEW BLOG POST IS OUT!!! and i've fixed a few things too -- rest in peace 123guestbooks, i will need to replace that system soon. in the meantime ive archived the old guestbook. if you want to comment on the site, please leave a kind or mean message on my neocities page.

[24-06-2024]: some shit has broken since i last updated -- i'll fix the guestbook soon (oh well. i guess i'll make one MYSELF!) and some other missing nuts and bolts around. good news though -- i've finished a review for twilight and the book stoner by john williams! more to come in the future.

[10-04-2024]: haven't updated in a while! tidied up this updates section (scroll to the bottom to see more past updates) and also made the skeletal framework to expand more of vulturpolitik. and i'll write that twilight album review soon!

[12-01-2023]: created the characters and collection pages, as well as rudimentary album review page that is Very incomplete (and with no reviews yet) but is now functioning.

see more past updates here.

latest piclog

click on the img to see my piclog archive

dancing engineer good spycrab

this site is under heavy construction... check regularly for updates

construction gate bf42

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vulturpolitik blinkie

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
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